A full-service energy management resource 21­2.74­2.041­4



Portfolio Analysis

As your energy manager, Aurora Energy Advisors works closely with your senior management team to achieve effective energy oversight. Based on a thorough analysis of your current energy portfolio, Aurora creates a customized strategy to reduce and control energy costs for each property. As part of our process, we utilize a database to monitor your energy results on a continuous basis and make ongoing strategic decisions.


Energy Supply Procurement

Aurora Energy Advisors goes far beyond initial energy supply procurement. Our team is constantly searching for additional opportunities to ensure that clients’ portfolios are in sync with the evolving marketplace. We employ a proprietary and transparent RFP process for energy supply procurement, ensuring that our clients will always pay the lowest possible energy costs.


Energy Audits

Having a comprehensive on-site energy audit is the first step in establishing an energy conservation plan. Aurora’s industry-leading engineers give us sophisticated, accurate insights into potential areas of long-term energy conservation. With this information, Aurora Energy Advisors can assist you in obtaining government and utility grants as well as low-interest loans, which make the cost of improvements economical and realize a quick payback period. New York property owners can take advantage of Aurora’s expertise in Weatherization grants and NYSERDA programs.


Third-Party Management Support

It is essential for third-party management companies to remain on the cutting edge of energy issues on behalf of their clients in order to stay competitive in the marketplace. Through our relationships with leading third-party management organizations, Aurora provides energy management services to more than 1,000 co-op and condo buildings, ensuring that every individual building under third-party management receives the same high-level and sophisticated service.. Aurora is sensitive to the needs of both boards and managers, and understands the importance of maintaining strong trust between the two by working together with the managing agent.


Local Law Compliance

Aurora Energy Advisors is the top energy management firm in New York City, specializing in Local Law Compliance for New York’s Greener, Greater Buildings Plan. We can ensure your buildings are in compliance with:

  • Local Law 84: ENERGY STAR Benchmarking – Buildings with more than 50,000 square-feet of space must submit annual reports of energy and water usage
  • Local Law 85: New York City Energy Conservation Code (NYCECC) –  Any renovation or alteration of a building must meet the most current energy code
  • Local Law 87: Energy Audits and Retro-Commissioning – Buildings over 50,000 square-feet must undergo periodic energy audits and retro-commissioning measures to ensure efficient operation
  • Local Law 88: Lighting Upgrades and Sub-metering – Large non-residential buildings must upgrade lighting  to current standards and install sub-meters for each large tenant space to provide monthly usage statements
  • NYC Clean Heat: Oil-to-Gas Conversions – Buildings must convert from No. 6 and 4 heavy heating oils to natural gas, No. 2, biodiesel or steam

Energy Cost Management

Aurora works as the energy manager for many of the largest real estate organizations throughout the country. Billing errors may occur due to metering problems, calculation mistakes or the improper application of rates, contract prices and taxes. Aurora Energy Advisors analyzes all historical and ongoing utility invoices to determine accuracy and adjusts any discrepancies prior to payment.


Budgeting & Reporting

Whether you own one property or one thousand, establishing a budget for your energy costs and planning ahead is critical to the financial success of your company. Aurora will work with you to develop an accurate and comprehensive budget that optimizes your energy investments. Aurora also provides you with valuable data tracking, charting and reporting to ensure that you have the most up-to-date and accurate analysis at your fingertips.


Renewable Energy Programs

Renewable energy sources—whether co-generation, solar, wind, or hydropower—have become increasingly important to property owners in recent years. At Aurora, we fully support this growing awareness and sensitivity to environmental issues, and we are able to procure green power supplies that meet your needs while still ensuring competitive market rates.


Nationwide Energy Programs

Making the right decisions about energy usage and procurement becomes even more important when your business operates at a national scale. Aurora Energy Advisors takes pride in our unique ability to provide energy analysis and cost savings for the largest and most prominent real estate organizations nationwide. Our work has made a significant impact on the bottom line of real estate owners, developers, managers and large institutional REITs.